Peace through arts, peace through technology, peace through innovations: this is what the Aggrey Jaden Culture and Cinema Centre works towards. The Centre is named after Aggrey Jaden, a politician known as an early promoter of an independent South Sudan.
In the run-up to the #PeaceHackCamp, the Aggrey Jaden Centre team has been hard at work preparing the place for the first ever such event in South Sudan, efforts that the whole team is extremely grateful for:

During the #PeaceHackCamp 2015, the Aggrey Jaden Culture Centre will host a wide range of diverse activities featuring live song performance, Pecha Kucha demonstrations, and many others. Check out the schedule and let us know that you are joining us!
Visit and ‘Like’ the Centre’s Facebook page to follow up with their updates!
Coming to Aggrey Jaden is easy: refer to the map below. The programme of all evening activities is also available: Evening Get Together.